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November 27, 2011

Membuat Koneksi JAVA dan Oracle

Setelah mengotak-atik koneksi antara JAVA dan Oracle yang memusingkan,,,, akhirnya sekarang program saya telah berhasil terkoneksi dengan baik dengan Oracle. Dalam tutorial ini saya menggunakan netbean 6.8 dan databse oracle 10g. Oke langsung saja yang harus dilakukan adalah :

1. Buat Project baru namanya terserah.

2. Masukkan oracle JDBC connection ke dalam library project yang anda buat. Caranya : klik kanan project>>Properties>>Libraries. Kalau di oracle saat penginstalan sudah menyertakan JDBC, tapi kalau menggunakan  databse semacam MySQL file JDBCnya harus didownlaod terlebih dahulu.

3. Kemudian Add jar/folder dan masukkan JDBC Oracle yang terletak di C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar

4. Setelah JDBC dimasukkan kemudian buat Class Baru file>>new Class, Bernama koneksi dan masukkan kode dibawah ini.

import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Koneksi {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
 String db = "jdbc:oracle:oci8:@localhost:1521:XE";
 String driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
String user = "system";   //Ganti dengan Username Oracle anda
String pass = "1234";     //Ganti dengan Password Oracle anda
Statement stm = null;
Connection con = null;

try {
    //loading driver
} catch (Exception e) {
    //error loading driver
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Loading Driver mengalami kendala!",
//membuat koneksi
con = DriverManager.getConnection(db,user,pass);
stm = con.createStatement();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Koneksi Sukses",
} catch (Exception e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Koneksi bermasalah : " + e.getMessage(),
    if (con!= null) {
        try {con.close();}
        catch(Exception e2) {}
    } return;


4. Jika koneksi sukses maka akan muncul peringatan seperti dibawah.

Sekian terimakasih....

November 24, 2011

ArcSoft PhotoStudio Paint

ArcSoft PhotoStudio Paint adalah software design yang diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak untuk menggambar, walaupun sebenarnya juga dapat dipergunakan oleh orang dewasa. disamping melatih anak -anak untuk menggambar aplikasi ini juga dapat mengembangkan imajinasi dan kreativitas anak.

PhotoStudio Paint Creative software designed for kids to paint, create and express themselves.

Choose from a multitude of cool and attractive content and clip art
Interactive templates allow for easy creation of fun paintings and drawings
Record and playback functions track each project from start to end
Touch/Multi-Touch devices are supported for finger sketching share your artwork masterpiece on the online PhotoStudio Paint Community

Home Page - http://www.arcsoft.com

 Download from Filesonic

 Download from Fileserve

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.80 Patch1 Retail-ZWT

Kalau antivirus yang satu ini mungkin sobat-sabat sudah pernah mendengar, disamping search virus yang digunakan lumaya cepat juga tidak terlalu boros memory. Pada kesempatan kali ini thecrunzy akan memberikan antivirus yang sudah banyak dikenal yaitu McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.80 Patch1 Retail-ZWT. Untuk lebih detailnya silahkan simak keterangan dibawah :

Proactively stops and removes malicious software, extends coverage against new security risks, and reduces the cost of responding to outbreaks. Enterprises cannot afford to wait for every threat to be identified and a signature file to be released. The time between attack and subsequent identification is critical, and the shorter, the better. It is better yet if your protection technology identifies new, unknown threats. By blending advanced anti-virus, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies, VirusScan Enterprise covers a broad range of threats. With advanced heuristics and generic detection it finds even new, unknown viruses, even hidden in compressed files. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise looks for exploits known to target Microsoft applications and services and will identify and block threats that take advantage of JavaScript and VisualBasic coding.
  • Cover all the bases
  • Defend against threats that target Microsoft
  • Curb outbreak damage
  • Scans memory for malicious code
  • Protect email programs
  • Keep script-type threats at bay
  • Optimize updating for remote systems
  • Lock down files
  • Advanced rootkit detection
Release name: McAfee.VirusScan.Enterprise.v8.80.Patch1.Retail-ZWT
Size: 36.49 MB

Techsmith Snagit 10.0.1 Build 58

Snagit adalah software yang biasa diguanakan sebagai screen capture atau pengambilangambar pada layar modinor anda. Disamping itu software ini mempunyai banyak fungsi, simak keterangan dibawah ini :

Techsmith Snagit 10.0.1 Build 58 Incl Patch-KhongBiet
The award-winning screen-capture software. Using SnagIt, you can select and capture anything on your screen, then easily add text, arrows, or effects, and save the capture to a file or share it immediately by e-mail or IM. Capture and share an article, image, or Web page directly from your screen. Or, capture and share any part of any application that runs on your PC. Automatically save in one of 23 file formats, or send to the printer, to your e-mail, or to the clipboard.

What's new in Snagit v10.0.0 Major Release:
Added All-in-One capture.
Improved scrolling capture.
Improved text capture.
Improved region capture and region autoscroll capture.
Added transparency to Editor.
Added ability to capture transparency.
Added ability to change Snagit's color theme.
Added a Page Curl effect.
Enhanced the Cutout tool.
Improved Snagit's performance.
Added a Getting Started .snag file to Editor.
Fixed a bug capturing Japanese text in text capture mode.
Fixed a problem with the magnifier window continuing to display during a region capture.
Fixed a memory leak caused by a timer-activated text capture.
Added support for Windows 7.
Added a preview window to the Save as dialog box.
Added default install of Screencast.com output with thumbnail and URL option.
Added the ability to rotate text boxes.
Restored custom trim.
Added deleted images now go to Recycle Bin.
Added 1GB video capture warning.

Download :
